Collecting your vehicle

Please bring along all of  the following documentation prior to collecting your vehicle:

Driving licence
Please note: UK customers will need to provide both parts of their driving licence - the photo-card and the separate paper counterpart.

If you hold a UK driving licence and are renting a car or van, you must bring a DVLA licence code with you when collecting your vehicle. Codes can be requested from online (you will be asked to submit your driving licence number, National Insurance number and home postcode), or by calling the DVLA on 0300 083 0013 (Monday to Friday 8am-7pm, Saturday 8am -2pm). The code (which will be valid for a maximum period of 21 days from the point it is generated) must be presented to the store and still be valid when picking up any vehicle from us.

Major credit card
Please note: If you have been issued with a voucher you will still be required to leave a deposit on your credit card. Cash / Cheques and Debit cards are usually not acceptable.

Reservation confirmation details

Passport plus one other form of indentification, eg, utility bill
It will not always be necessary to produce additional indentification. However, we recommend that you are fully prepared to avoid disappointment.

Vehicle standards

Upon arrival at your destination, your vehicle should be readily available for rent. We aim to ensure that all vehicles are both cosmetically and mechanically sound. However, on the rare occasion that these standards are not met, please ensure that you advise a member of staff. This will enable them to address the situation prior to you leaving the location.

Pre-rental inspection

You will also be given a Pre-rental inspection form, which you are required to sign. This document should detail any minor scratches/dents that may already be present on the vehicle. It is very important that you check the vehicle prior to acceptance and highlight any damage that has not already been noted on the form. You should be aware that if any new damage is found upon return of the vehicle, you (the customer) are held liable.


Your rental vehicle will normally be supplied to you with a full tank of fuel. However, some locations operate a fuel option policy. Should this be available, you will have a choice of one of the following -

Option One
Pay in advance for the fuel and bring the vehicle back empty. The location will fill the tank at, or sometimes below, the current retail pump price. Credits will not be given for unused fuel.

Option Two
If you are not sure how far you will be driving, but plan to stop for fuel, we recommend that you do not pay Budget in advance for fuel and bring the car back full to avoid any refuelling service charges.

Option Three
If you won'™t be using a full tank and don'€™t have time to stop for fuel, pay us only for the fuel that you use. Please note that this will be based on the rental location'€™s per- litre refuelling service charge. The location staff can advise how much the service charge is.


Smoking Legislation

Legislation in the UK bans smoking in public places, workplaces and vehicles. Please be aware that all Budget'€™s fleet and premises in the UK are non-smoking environments. You may be charged for additional cleaning costs if evidence of smoking is found in one of our vehicles.